Benefits and Uses of Juvéderm

 In Facial Fillers

Are you tired of the lines and wrinkles that greet you each day in the mirror? Are you wanting results and wanting them now? Quick-fix, anti-aging, and anti-wrinkle injectables have become one of the most popular of cosmetic treatment sectors in the non-surgical battle against wrinkles and lines.

In the past 20 or so years, the number of people opting for this type of treatment has increased fivefold. First, it was Botox, then Dysport, but now an alternative range of injection treatments which take a whole different approach to this type of facial enhancement, is making great strides into this marketplace.

Juvéderm, which comes from the same stable as Botox, is one of them. These relatively unknown entrants are now really taking their share of the spotlight in a world made popular by the rich and famous, and until recently ruled by Botox and Dysport.

Called dermal fillers, Juvéderm and its ilk have different application and benefits. These products also work completely differently and contain different ingredients.


Sugar instead of toxins

Juvéderm does not contain a botulinum toxin, like the one used as a protein base in Botox and Dysport. Instead, it relies on a natural sugar (hyaluronic acid) to top up and work with, the body’s own production of that acid. This sugar works on improving the skin’s elasticity, lessening the wrinkles and folds. It can also absorb large amounts of water – drawing in up to 1000 times its own mass.

Unfortunately, with age, the body loses the ability to produce as much of this same acid as it once did, leading to increased lines and wrinkles on the face. The gel filler aims to compensate for the body’s inability to produce the acid in the same quantity by adding an easily absorbed supplement. The end result of the extra water and increased elasticity is a younger, healthier and smoother look.

Treating a wider area

The gel filler injection affects a larger area of the face than the highly concentrated Botox-type injectables, which have found their niche in targeting specific and localized issues. This gives fillers the potential to deal with a wider range of problem areas. Whether the problem involves furrowed forehead and frown lines; lines at the corners of the mouth; folds near the nose; sunken areas under the eyes; wrinkles on the cheeks; lips that need plumping, or even correcting scars, these fillers may provide the solution.

Quick treatment, long lifespan

Juvéderm is believed to last longer than the botulinum based injections. Figures indicate that while Botox lasts for 4 to 6 months depending on who gets them, Juvéderm can last anything up to 9 months or a year, depending on individual reaction to the treatment, what dose was used, and who handled the injections.

• Effects of this treatment are almost immediately noticeable, allowing both you and your doctor to determine whether or not the injections have been successful or whether more are needed.

• The whole process is handled quickly, and there is an almost negligible recovery time. The injection process is quick, too – about 20 minutes in the chair from the time the area is numb should see you up and about and on your way out the door. Some people might notice a bit of redness or slight swelling and might prefer to take the rest of the afternoon off. Even fewer might have a reaction in the form of bumps or problems breathing, and should contact their plastic surgeon immediately if the reaction is severe.

• Different kinds of Juvéderm aim at different outcomes. One is suitable to treat wider areas like those around the cheek bones by plumping up the entire area. Others are aimed at treating particular issues like really deep lines.

Increasing the options

Gel fillers are in no way in direct competition with Botox, as each product provides a different approach, and is more effective than the other in different areas. What having both types in the marketplace does, is to increase the possibilities offered by non-surgical injectable treatment, bringing wrinkle-reprieve to many more people.

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Dr. Asif Pirani has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve the best cosmetic results while maintaining the highest standards of safety, comfort, and discretion. Board certified by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Pirani teaches at Canadian and American universities and serves as an expert reviewer for The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s official scientific journal. He is frequently called upon by media outlets and news agencies for his opinion as an expert plastic surgeon.