

From $9,500+  |  1-2.5 Hour Surgery

Give your eyes and face a more youthful and refreshed look with a brow or forehead lift. This procedure is designed to help lift and tighten sagging soft tissues that contribute to poor eyebrow position, eyebrow shape, and wrinkles.

or call (416) 360-8772




From $9,500+  |  1-2.5 Hour Surgery

Give your eyes and face a more youthful and refreshed look with a brow or forehead lift. This procedure is designed to help lift and tighten sagging soft tissues that contribute to poor eyebrow position, eyebrow shape, and wrinkles.

or call (416) 360-8772

Before and After Gallery*

* The results depicted are not guaranteed and may vary between patients.

Brow Lift/Forehead Lift Procedure Toronto

Give your eyes and face a more youthful and refreshed look with one of Dr. Pirani’s brow or forehead lifts.


A brow lift or forehead lift is a procedure designed to help rejuvenate and enhance the beauty of the upper one third of the face.

It is useful in people with sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines (vertical lines between the eyebrows). A brow lift or forehead lift are critical considerations when considering peri-orbital (eye) rejuvenation. In fact, many people with excess skin in their upper eyelids have this in part due to a sagging brow.

An experienced Toronto brow lift surgeon like Dr. Asif Pirani can help you determine if a brow lift or forehead lift will help give your eyes and face a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

What is a Browlift

A brow lift or forehead lift is a procedure designed to help weaken muscles in the forehead that cause excess wrinkles, as well as lift and tighten sagging soft tissues in the upper third of the face. These overactive muscles and sagging tissues contribute to poor eyebrow position and shape, and also contribute to wrinkles in the forehead.

Who is a good candidate for a browlift (forehead lift)?

If you have noticed any of the following, then you may be a candidate for a brow lift (forehead lift):

  • Sagging eyebrows
  • Loss of the natural youthful arch to your eyebrows
  • Excess skin in your upper eyelids
  • Horizontal forehead wrinkles
  • Vertical wrinkles and lines between your eyebrows

Smokers should quit smoking for at least 3 to 4 weeks prior to surgery. Patients should not take any medications that make them prone to bleeding such as aspirin.

How is a brow lift performed?

Brow Lift ProcedureThere are number of techniques available to perform a brow lift or forehead lift. The 2 most common methods are the traditional open coronal brow lift and the more modern endoscopic brow lift.

Dr. Pirani prefers to perform endoscopic brow lifts as it allows him to make very tiny incisions in the scalp to get the same results. This not only results in scars that are much smaller and well hidden, but also speeds recovery time and limits postoperative swelling. Certain individuals require more traditional open brow lift techniques, and Dr. Pirani is very comfortable performing more traditional techniques when they are indicated.

In both endoscopic and traditional brow lifts, the muscles which cause forehead wrinkles and frown lines are weakened. The sagging eyebrows are repositioned to create a more youthful appearance while still appearing natural.

In many people with excess skin in their upper eyelids, a blepharoplasty may be required in addition to a brow lift. Dr. Pirani will determine whether you require a blepharoplasty after examining you and considering your goals and concerns. Dr. Pirani will provide you with a customized surgical plan to address your specific goals and anatomy.

Brow lift (forehead lift) Recovery

Generally, people can go back to work within 1 to 2 weeks. There will be some bruising present for anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks after the surgery (everyone heals at different rates). Most postoperative swelling usually resolves within 2-6 weeks.

Brow lift consultation

There is a large amount of information to review during a brow lift consultation. Dr. Pirani will usually spend approximately an hour with you during this consultation to go over all of the surgical details and options prior to creating a custom surgical plan for you. He will go over risks and complications and give you an idea of what you should expect in terms of results and recovery.

Dr. Pirani’s goal is to educate you so that you fully understand your customized surgical plan. At the Toronto Plastic Surgery Center, we want you to be fully informed so that you understand everything about your treatment plan.

To schedule a consultation with Toronto brow lift surgeon Dr. Pirani, call 416-360-8772. We look forward to meeting you.

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