
Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

From $9,500+ | 1-4 Hour Surgery

Due to aging, weight change, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, women’s breasts can droop or sag, resulting in an unwanted change to what is an important part of a woman’s body and self-image. A breast lift procedure will help restore the appearance of your breasts and give them a more youthful look.

or call (416) 360-8772



Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

From $9,500+ | 1-4 Hour Surgery

Due to aging, weight change, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, women’s breasts can droop or sag, resulting in an unwanted change to what is an important part of a woman’s body and self-image. A breast lift procedure will help restore the appearance of your breasts and give them a more youthful look.

or call (416) 360-8772

Before and After Gallery*

* The results depicted are not guaranteed and may vary between patients.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Surgery Toronto

Breast Lift in Toronto ProcedureDr. Pirani knows that each patient’s needs are different – just as each of our bodies is unique, so too are cosmetic procedures. As a board certified Toronto plastic surgeon, Dr. Pirani has the experience and knowledge to help you revitalize your look, and will tailor his surgical approach to your individual beauty goals.

As women age, their breasts tend to droop or sag, resulting in an unwanted change to what is an important part of a woman’s body and self-image. Factors other than time that can cause this include weight change, pregnancy or breast-feeding. Thankfully, Toronto breast surgery specialist Dr. Asif Pirani can help you with this problem. A breast lift procedure will help restore the appearance of your breasts and give them a more youthful look. As the name implies, a breast lift will raise the position of your breasts while improving their shape. During a breast lift (or, as cosmetic surgeons call it, a mastopexy) the breast tissue is repositioned to lift and add fullness to your chest. For many patients, a breast augmentation (or breast implant) is combined with a breast lift to fully rejuvenate both the volume and position of your breasts. Dr. Pirani knows that each patient’s needs are different – just as each of our bodies is unique, so too are cosmetic procedures. As a board certified Toronto plastic surgeon, Dr. Pirani has the experience and knowledge to help you revitalize your look, and will tailor his surgical approach to your individual beauty goals.

Who is a good candidate for a breast lift?

Anyone unhappy with the appearance of saggy or droopy breasts can consider a breast lift. A breast lift can also rejuvenate your breasts (along with your appearance) by:

  • raising the position of your nipple/areola
  • giving you rounder breasts
  • giving you ‘perkier’ breasts
  • resolving breast asymmetries
  • reducing the size of your areola

Generally, the best candidates for a breast lift are in relatively good health, refrain from smoking for at least four to six weeks before surgery, and haven’t breast fed for six months prior to the procedure.

How is a Breast lift performed?

There are several ways to perform a breast lift. Dr. Pirani will discuss your goals with you while taking into account your unique anatomical measurements and soft tissue characteristics. Factors such as skin quality and elasticity will help Dr. Pirani decide upon a customized surgical approach tailored to the specific needs of your body. There are three general surgical techniques to a breast lift. They include:

  • A Periareolar (Around the Areola) Mastopexy

This is best for small lifts. It involves a small and well-concealed incision immediately around your areola (or where the dark skin meets the breast).

  • A Vertical Scar (Lollipop) Mastopexy

This procedure is best for moderate lifts. It involves a periareolar (around the areola) incision along with another small vertical incision from the areola down to the crease under the breast. This is also a well-hidden incision and this procedure takes the shape of a lollipop.

  • Anchor Mastopexy

This is the most traditional mastopexy technique and is often used for larger lifts. It involves adding a horizontal scar under the breast to the ‘lollipop’ mastopexy, giving it the final shape of an anchor.

How long does it take to recover from a breast lift?

Most patients will take two to four weeks to recover from a breast lift. Depending on the type of breast lift performed, postoperative bras may be required for an additional length of time. As for the results, those will be visible right away and you should immediately get the emotional and self-confidence boost of having a rejuvenated body! Patients should expect to continue to see changes in their breast shape for at least six months to a year after a breast lift.

Why Choose Us?

At our clinic, we understand the significance of your individuality and are dedicated to delivering exceptional breast lift surgery in Toronto. Allow us to highlight the reasons why discerning individuals choose us:

  1. Expertise and Skill: Dr. Pirani is a highly skilled and board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in breast lift procedures. With a meticulous approach and attention to detail, he achieves results that are both beautiful and natural.
  2. Personalized Approach: We take the time to listen to your goals and concerns, ensuring that your breast lift procedure is customized to meet your specific needs. Our personalized approach ensures that the results harmonize with your unique body proportions.
  3. Advanced Techniques: Keeping pace with advancements in breast lift surgery, we employ state-of-the-art techniques to minimize scarring and facilitate a smoother recovery process. Our commitment to utilizing the latest innovations guarantees optimal outcomes.
  4. Natural Beauty: Our focus is on creating natural-looking results that enhance your beauty, with symmetrical and proportionate breasts that reflect your aesthetic ideals. We strive to restore your confidence and help you feel comfortable in your own skin.


Our breast lift services in Toronto encompass:

  1. Comprehensive Consultation: Dr. Pirani conducts a thorough consultation to understand your goals, address your concerns, and assess your unique anatomy. Based on this evaluation, he will recommend the most suitable mastopexy technique for you.
  2. Customized Treatment Plan: We create a personalized treatment plan that caters to your specific needs. Whether you require correction of sagging breasts, restoration of lost volume, or improvement of breast symmetry, our tailored approach ensures optimal results.
  3. Surgical Excellence: Dr. Pirani performs your breast lift surgery with meticulous precision, employing techniques that lift and reshape your breasts, remove excess skin, and reposition the nipple to achieve a more youthful appearance.
  4. Supportive Care: Our dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional care throughout your journey. From pre-operative preparation to post-operative recovery, we are here to support you and ensure a comfortable and successful experience.

Book Your Consultation

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Pirani, a trusted expert in breast lift surgery in Toronto.

Dr. Pirani is dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty through personalized mastopexy procedures. With a focus on artistry, advanced techniques, and attentive care, we are committed to helping you achieve stunning and natural results. Start your journey toward renewed confidence and beauty by booking a consultation with Dr. Pirani today by calling 416-360-8772 or completing our contact form.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy) FAQs:

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that lifts and reshapes the breasts to restore a more youthful and uplifted appearance.

Who is a suitable candidate for a breast lift?

Candidates for a breast lift are typically women who experience sagging or drooping breasts due to factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, aging, or genetics. Generally, patients need to have a BMI of 30 or less at our outpatient surgical facility.

Will a breast lift increase my breast size?

A breast lift primarily addresses sagging and reshapes the breasts. If you desire an increase in breast size, a breast augmentation may be recommended in combination with the lift.

Are breast lift scars noticeable?

Breast lift scars are typically located around the areola and may extend vertically to the breast crease and may also extend horizontally in the breast crease. With proper care and time, these scars tend to fade and become less noticeable with time. There is always the risk of poor scarring. Dr. Pirani discusses these risks as part of the consultation.

What is the recovery process like after a breast lift?

The recovery period varies for each individual, but most patients can expect some swelling and discomfort initially. Following post-operative instructions, avoiding strenuous activities, and wearing a supportive bra will aid in a smooth recovery.

Will I lose nipple sensation after a breast lift?

Temporary changes in nipple sensation are common after a breast lift. In most cases, sensation gradually returns within a few weeks to months after the procedure.

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

While some women may still be able to breastfeed after a breast lift, there is a possibility of reduced milk production or difficulty with breastfeeding. Discussing your plans for future breastfeeding with your surgeon is crucial.

How long will the results of a breast lift last?

The results of a breast lift are long-lasting, but the natural aging process and lifestyle factors can affect the appearance of your breasts over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight can help prolong the results.

Can a breast lift be combined with other procedures?

Yes, a breast lift can be combined with other procedures like breast augmentation or breast reduction, depending on your goals and the recommendations of your surgeon.

Will a breast lift affect mammograms?

Breast lift surgery typically does not prevent you from being able to have mammograms. However, it is important to inform your mammography technician about your breast lift history for accurate and thorough examination.

Are there any risks or complications associated with a breast lift?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, or asymmetry. Your surgeon will discuss these risks during your consultation.

Will insurance cover the cost of a breast lift?

In most cases, a breast lift is considered an elective cosmetic procedure and not covered by insurance. However, it’s best to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage.

How long does a breast lift procedure take?

The duration of a breast lift surgery varies depending on the complexity of the case. Generally, it takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete the procedure.

Will I need to stay overnight after a breast lift?

In most cases, a breast lift is performed as an outpatient procedure, and patients can return home the same day. However, in some situations, an overnight stay may be recommended for close monitoring.

Can I exercise or engage in physical activities after a breast lift?

Strenuous activities and exercise should be avoided for a few weeks after a breast lift. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines on when you can gradually resume physical activities.

How soon can I return to work after a breast lift?

The time needed to return to work after a breast lift depends on the nature of your job and the extent of your procedure. Most individuals can expect to return to non-strenuous work within 1 to 2 weeks.

Will I need to wear a special bra after a breast lift?

Yes, wearing a supportive bra is crucial during the recovery period to provide proper support and help minimize swelling. Your surgeon will recommend the appropriate type of bra for you.

Can I undergo a breast lift if I plan to have children in the future?

While a breast lift will not interfere with your ability to have children, it’s generally recommended to postpone the procedure until after you have completed your family, as pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the results.

How soon can I see the final results of my breast lift?

While you will notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of your breasts after the surgery, it takes several weeks for the swelling to subside and the final results to become apparent. Full healing and settling may take many months to a year.

What can I do to maintain the results of my breast lift?

To maintain the results of your breast lift, it is important to maintain a stable weight, follow a healthy lifestyle, and wear appropriate support bras. Regular self-examinations and routine mammograms are also recommended for breast health.

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