5 Tips For Recovering From Plastic Surgery During The Summer

 In Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Because of the good weather and amount of vacation time available, many patients choose summertime as the time for plastic surgery. But there are more things to take into consideration to ensure that you have the best recovery possible, even in the hottest weather.

Here are our tips to help you recover quickly and comfortably:

Plastic Surgery Recovery Tips

1. Drink Water:

Even if you are not recovering from surgery, staying hydrated is essential in the summer. Before and following a surgery, you will need to drink even more water. Water will help your body heal quicker and in the heat, you need to make sure you are taking in enough. If you are not getting enough water, your recovery can slow down, you might experience nausea and headaches, and generally will not feel as good as you could.

2. Find Some Shade:

Along with staying hydrated is keeping yourself in the shade. When you have gone through surgery, you will be more prone to sunburns and sun damage than you are normally. Any scars or incision sites that you might have can also change color, making them more noticeable than before. If you do have to be in the sun, make sure that you are covered up and sun screened, taking extra caution to keep your incision sites covered up.

3. Take A Nap:

It doesn’t matter what time of year you are getting surgery, your body is going to need all the rest that it can get following surgery. Your body has its best recovery progress when you are asleep. Overexerting yourself, however, is sure to make the process slow down and become more painful than it would have been otherwise. If only for a few weeks, give yourself the extra time to recover before jumping back into your regular activities.

4. Stay Out Of The Heat:

Summer is all about the heat, but if you have just had or are about to have plastic surgery, you need to stay inside and stay cool. Not only does the heat make you more exhausted and expend precious energy, but any bandages or compression garments that you have are going to be incredibly hot and itchy in the heat. If you can stay cool and hang out in front of a fan, you can save yourself from itching and extra heat.

5. Avoid The Pool:

This is especially hard for some patients, but you simply cannot go in a pool if you are recovering from surgery, whether it is summer or any other time of the year. Unlike the shower, pools run the risk of breeding infection, complicating your recovery as well as your results from plastic surgery. Dr. Pirani  will be able to help you determine when it is appropriate for you to get back in the water. You also should avoid lakes, oceans, and even hot tubs during the recovery period for the best results possible.

Taking care of yourself is the best way to recover well from plastic surgery, especially in the summer. Call Dr. Pirani today to schedule a consultation.

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Dr. Asif Pirani has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve the best cosmetic results while maintaining the highest standards of safety, comfort, and discretion. Board certified by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Pirani teaches at Canadian and American universities and serves as an expert reviewer for The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s official scientific journal. He is frequently called upon by media outlets and news agencies for his opinion as an expert plastic surgeon.