Post Op Breast Augmentation Do’s and Don’ts

 In Breast Augmentation

Any surgical procedure has its own rules that need to be followed post surgery, which will help you have a quick recovery. Rest and letting your body recover are vital to having the beautiful breasts you always wanted.

Post Op Breast Augmentation Do’s:

breast augmentation post op

  • Give your body time to heal: Allowing your body to rest is the best post op recovery point you can follow
  • Your body is boss: Your body knows best and even though others may find it alright for them to head back to work after a week, if your body tells you that you need time, listen to it. Doing too many things too soon could hamper your body’s recovery.
  • Listen to your doctor: You will be given a set of post-op care instructions from your doctor. Follow them to ensure a speedy recovery.
  • Have your prescribed medications: Antibiotics help your body heal faster, and you may need relief from the pain that could linger from your surgery.
  • Drink plenty of water: Liquids are good for your body and help speed up the recovery process.
  • Eat Healthy: A healthy well balanced diet is key to feeding your body the correct nutrients that your body needs.
  • Be regular with post Op appointments with your doctor: Your body needs to be monitored on a regular basis to check if the healing process is going smoothly, and your doctor can advise you of any changes in routine, or care instructions you may need to follow during your appointment. Regular checkups also prevent any surprise complications.
  • Document your body’s changes: Start documenting your breasts with photographs taken on a regular basis, capturing them from various angles so that you can observe the changes in their shape as the swelling abates and your breast implants settle into their positions.

Post Op Breast Augmentation Don’ts:

breast augmentation

  • Overexert your body: Show your body some TLC and avoid being rough with it for a period of six weeks post surgery. If you exercise during that time frame, you run the risk of dislodging your implants and causing the incisions to rupture, putting a huge dent in your healing process.
  • Eat lots of salty foods: Salt is a blood thinner, and sodium may also cause swelling, which is why you should avoid including a lot of salt in your daily diet.
  • Go drinking or driving for at least 24 hours: You will be on pain meds after the surgery, and to avoid any incidents, it is better to refrain from imbibing alcohol which may be a bad combination with your painkillers, or drive anywhere when you may not be in the right frame of mind.
  • Have a bath: Avoid soaking yourself in a hot bubbly bath as you may get your incisions wet before they have fully healed. You can have showers as advised by your doctor, but it is important to make sure all your incisions are absolutely dry. You may need to use a blow dryer on low setting to ensure complete dryness.
  • Sleep on your tummy or on your side
  • Smoke
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Dr. Asif Pirani has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve the best cosmetic results while maintaining the highest standards of safety, comfort, and discretion. Board certified by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Pirani teaches at Canadian and American universities and serves as an expert reviewer for The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s official scientific journal. He is frequently called upon by media outlets and news agencies for his opinion as an expert plastic surgeon.