Rhinoplasty Preparation & Recovery

 In Rhinoplasty

In general, the surgery to have a rhinoplasty done is not more than a couple of hours. While the surgery is straightforward, there is still some information that you need to have before you have the procedure done, including what to do for the best recovery possible.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

The Preparation

Before your Rhinoplasty surgery, you need to have taken care of:

  • Cold compresses and supplies: Having cold compresses or ice packs on hand and ready to go will make it so much easier when you really need to use one.
  • Medications: If your doctor is going to prescribe you any kind of medication for your recovery following surgery, make sure to get them filled ahead of time so they are available when you are home. If your doctor has not recommended prescription medications, having some over-the-counter pain relief on hand will also improve your comfort level following surgery.
  • Foods: Even though a rhinoplasty procedure really involves your nose, you will probably want to avoid chewing on anything too hard or tough following the surgery as your nose recovers.
  • Take time off from work: Ideally you should plan on taking one to two weeks off from work following your rhinoplasty. Not only will you not be up for working following surgery, but you want to give your face a chance to heal a bit before going out.
  • Watch your diet: Surgery and medications have a tendency to mess with your digestive system. If you ensure you have a balanced and healthy diet before the surgery, not only will your recovery be better, but you may avoid the constipation that often accompanies surgery.

The Recovery

After you have had the surgery, there are still things you need to do.

  • Have a caretaker. Having a friend or loved one around to help you the first couple of days after surgery is important. You will need a driver to take you home from the procedure, but you will be feeling groggy and should not be left alone. Ask a friend to stay with you for a couple of days if you need to, but do not stay alone for too long for the first 48 hours.
  • Be serious about the time. You might be thinking that you can head back to your regular routine right away, but that is unrealistic and dangerous. Your face will be bruised, including two black eyes, so all of that and any swelling will need to go away first.
  • Sleep upright. Sleeping in an elevated position, either using extra pillows to prop yourself up or in a recliner can keep the swelling from pooling in your face, reducing the recovery time.
  • Protect your nose. Once you have returned to your regular activities, make sure that you do not engage in any contact sports that might injure your nose. Even after the bruising and swelling goes down, your nose will need time to recover.

Above all else, make sure that you keep your follow-up appointments with Dr. Pirani  to ensure that you are healing exactly as you should be.

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Dr. Asif Pirani has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve the best cosmetic results while maintaining the highest standards of safety, comfort, and discretion. Board certified by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Pirani teaches at Canadian and American universities and serves as an expert reviewer for The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s official scientific journal. He is frequently called upon by media outlets and news agencies for his opinion as an expert plastic surgeon.