Does Smoking Affect Botox Results?

 In Botox

Smokers are often aware of the negative effects of smoking. Outside of the risks of wrinkles, disease, and even dental health, smoking does have another surprising effect when it comes to Botox.

Many smokers who consider Botox do so because of the wrinkles that have developed as a result of smoking, but will find that Botox might not be the right solution for them. This is what you need to know about smoking and Botox.

Smoking Reverses Benefits

To begin with, if you have already received Botox injections and you are a smoker, smoking will shorten the results of your Botox. While it will not undo the effects immediately, you will find that Botox does not have the same positive results as it does for non-smokers.

What this means, is that when Botox lasts the average person three to six months, that does not include smokers. Instead, a smoker will go through the Botox much quicker, reversing the effects in little time.

Healing Time Takes Longer

Another consideration that you should know before you have Botox is that it will take you longer to recover from the Botox treatment if you are a smoker. Sometimes there is slight bruising on the face from where the injections are placed, but bruising is more likely to happen and is more noticeable with smokers.

Smoking causes harm to your immune system and overall health, which means that you are more likely to have side effects from Botox if you are a smoker.

Smoking Defeats the Purpose of Botox

If you are a smoker who is considering Botox, think about the reasons that you want to receive the treatment. If it is because you are suffering from smokers lines around your mouth, Botox is not going to help you if you continue to smoke. You will still be making the same pucker movement with your mouth, further deepening the lines.

Botox is a great choice to relax the muscles that are working hard at pulling wrinkles around your face. But if you are forcing those muscles to move that way regardless, Botox really cannot help you make them go away.

There is a Perk

While it might seem hopeless if you are smoker considering Botox injections, there actually is a benefit to receiving Botox as a smoker. If you are focusing on the pucker lines around your mouth from smoking and have the injections focused right in that area, you will find that it is more challenging to smoke and pucker if enough of the muscles have been hit.

Having a barrier to help remind you not to smoke can be used as an advantage to help you quit smoking. If you receive Botox as a smoker, but then stop; you will not experience the same adverse effects as those who continue to smoke even after receiving the injections. Botox can be used as a tool to help you quit smoking, improving your health while helping reduce your wrinkles.

We all know how damaging smoking is our bodies. If you are a smoker and want to have Botox, you really should consider quitting for your overall health and longevity as well as the ability of having successful Botox treatments. If you have no intention of quitting and still want Botox, be prepared for the side effects and you need to understand that you will have to have the injections repeated more often than non-smokers do.

Instead, you should seriously consider quitting smoking and use Botox as a tool to help you get rid of those smoker lines and keep them away.

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Dr. Asif Pirani has dedicated his career to helping patients achieve the best cosmetic results while maintaining the highest standards of safety, comfort, and discretion. Board certified by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Pirani teaches at Canadian and American universities and serves as an expert reviewer for The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s official scientific journal. He is frequently called upon by media outlets and news agencies for his opinion as an expert plastic surgeon.